

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Gift ideas for the Christmas season

Hi Grand Folks!   Here’s what’s been going on at the library:   FIVE GREAT USES FOR OLD NEWSPAPERS   We’ve started putting our old newspapers in a basket by the book drop – feel free to help yourself anytime. What do you want old newspaper for, anyway? Here’s five things I can think of:   1. Fold a liner for your compost bin...

Library soon to be source for seeds, not just books

Free seeds of all sorts will soon be available for lending at the Grand Forks and District Public Library. The Seed Library, which is a joint partnership between the library and the Boundary Seed Bank Project, will allow library patrons to “borrow” seeds for planting. It’s like having Seedy Saturday all year round. “I’m happy...

Midway resident garners Queen's Jubilee Medal

A West Boundary resident was the latest recipient for the Queen's Jubilee Medal last week. MLA John Slater presented James McMynn of Midway with the honour being awarded this year to deserving Canadians. James McMynn served the Village of Midway with distinction as its Mayor from its incorporation in 1967 to his retirement ...

From consumption to gentleness

John the Baptist--by all accounts a wild eyed, camel-haired, fire-breathing, proclaimer of the word--is most well known for the words he reserves to those who came to hear him preach. Coming to cleanse themselves in the waters once crossed by their ancestors, on the completion of the journey from Egypt through wilderness....

Christina Lake Christmas Party great one on one time with Santa

It was a jolly good time at the Christina Lake Community Center when the jolly old elf rolled in on the back of the Christina Lake Fire Rescue Department's truck, Friday, Dec. 14. About 20 kids and their parents gathered for some one on one time with the jolly Santa, who gave them each a goody bag of treats to take home after...

Phoenix Ski Hill triples acreage, gets government approval on resort plan

The approval of a new Resort Master Plan for the Phoenix Ski Hill will provide further stability with possible future financial benefits for the Phoenix Mountain Alpine Ski Society (PMASS). Earlier this week the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations announced that they have approved the plan and have...

Boundary birds beware - we'll be watching you on Dec. 22!

More than 12,000 volunteers across Canada – and over 60,000 continent-wide – will be counting birds from Dec. 14, 2012 to Jan. 5, 2013. Many will rise before dawn and brave winter weather to participate in the world’s longest running wildlife census, begun in 1900. The boundary region is joining in on Dec. 22, says Jenny...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Books and fun for the holidays

  Hi Grand Folks! I have good news – we’ve added some new DVDs to our collection! A very generous patron donated some money, and we were able to purchase a bunch of movies. Which brings me to my next point – if any of you have any DVDs lying around that you’d want to share with others, please consider donating them to the...

Annual Santa Claus Parade brings out the crowds and the snow

The annual Grand Forks Santa Claus Parade was it's usual fun family event, Friday, Dec. 7. The snow added a nice touch to the evening, although it also made for some slippery conditions. The theme was Christimas Around the World, and there was some great international flare to the usual parade floats. Hundreds gathered along...

Festive Family Story Time never fails to be fun

More than 40 kids and their families had yet another enjoyable Christmas kick-off at the 12th annual Festive Family Story Time at the Grand Forks and District Public Library, Thursday Dec. 6. The much loved event, co-sponsored by both the library and the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy, was another great success. The...

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