

MLA and MP join forces to offer congrats on Communities in Bloom win

BC Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko and Kootenay West MLA Katrine Conroy join in congratulating the City of Castlegar on winning the 2014 Communities in Bloom International Challenge.  Castlegar received 5 Blooms and competed against other cities across Canada and in Ireland for the overall win in the small category (less...

UPDATED: Petition to save Pass Creek Fall Fair

The link to sign a petition letting the RDCK know you'd support taxpayer investment to save the Fall Fair is here: http://passcreekfair.com/   Previous story: The 19th Annual Pass Creek Fall Fair last weekend was, by all accounts, a screaming success … but will this popular regional event still happen next year? That’s not ...

Work in the age of anxiety

Working Canadians, from blue collar workers to middle class professionals to hamburger flippers are facing the worst economy insecurity, most stressful working conditions, the slowest increases in real income and the most cynical anti-worker governments literally since the 1930s. At the same time the 1% and the powerful...


“We filmed a period piece in the present tense.” Thus are the words of Austin based director Richard Linklater, the guy who jump started the careers of Ben Affleck, Milla Jovovich, and Matthew McConaughey with Dazed and Confused, about his film Boyhood, which he directed and wrote. Filmed over 12 years with the same cast,...

Sleeping rough ... for the Getting to Home Program

On September 12, a group of forty people from Greater Trail, including Rossland’s Andrea Winckers, Mike Kent, Aaron Cosbey and Gareth Cryer will be sleeping under Trail's Victoria Street Bridge to raise money and bring awareness to the issue of homelessness in the Greater Trail Area. Funds raised will go to support the Getting...

GF Fall Fair new organizers pull off fun event

Edited The Grand Forks Fall Fair was cancelled this spring when there weren't enough volunteers to come forward and organize it. However, the River Valley Community Church stepped up and helped the existing volunteers pull the event together.  New additions from last year were lawnmower races, a petting zoo and zucchini races. ...

Car show fills park

The second annual Park in the Park car show has grown from last year with more cars, more vendors and more entertainment for the Aug. 17 event. Over 30 vendors were set up in “Vendor’s Alley” on the sidewalk next to the BMX track by City Park. Next to the vendors were the cars that came from all over Western Canada and some...

Meet the author behind "Human Solutions"

Human Solutions (Skyhorse Publishing, May 2014) is a chilling and accomplished debut about cults, crime, and the lengths we’ll go for love by novelist Avi Silberstein, inspired by the true story of Paul Schäfer, an ex-Nazi who founded the Colonia Dignidad in Chile in the late 1970s. To most people, Javier Gonzalez is an...

Local cultural venues offer education alternatives in light of strike

An African proverb says, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Let us come together and educate them too. As BC teachers and the Provincial Government work towards settling their labour dispute, the Kootenay Doukhobor Historical Society is offering free admission at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre (across from the Castlegar...

Lama Losang Samten Set to Share Experience

The warmth and beauty of the West Kootenay made a lasting impression on Lama Losang Samten when he visited last summer and now the venerable Buddhist Tibetan scholar, spiritual leader and artist says he’s looking forward to his return. Samten traveled to the East Shore’s Yasodhara Ashram to lead a Buddhist Meditation Retreat...

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