
RDKB seeks input to Boundary Trails Master Plan

Boundary Sentinel
By Boundary Sentinel
July 14th, 2021

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) has launched a community engagement process to capture data related to recreational trail user habits.

In a media release Wednesday, the RDKB said the process includes a survey that will remain open until September 9, 2021, when results will be used to determine whether to develop a Boundary Recreational Trails Master Plan (BRTMP).

The plan would apply to electoral areas D/Rural Grand Forks and E/West Boundary as well as the municipalities of Midway, Greenwood, and Grand Forks.

“The Boundary has a wealth of front country and backcountry trails,” said Area E/West Boundary Director Vicki Gee.

“This is a great chance for everyone interested in our trails to tell us what is important to them, their experience on the trails and to help us understand who uses which trails and why.”

The RDKB is working with their consultant, Cascade Environmental Resource Group, to investigate, research, and consult with the public.

Surveys will reveal local knowledge on inventory, types of trails, locations, and potential opportunities.

“Recreational opportunities are a big part of why people want to live in this part of B.C.,” said Area D/Rural Grand Forks Director Danna O’Donnell.

 “I am excited to see what we learn from all those who have enjoyed our trails or who have an opinion about trails or a connection to trail. I hope we can get lots of people to participate

Cascade Environmental Resource Group will inform the RDKB about trail use demographics, identify existing and potential future areas of interest, and potential opportunities and constraints.

For more information about the engagement process and to complete a survey, go to the RDKB’s community engagement site, jointheconversation.rdkb.com.

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