
Danna O’Donnell sworn in as new director for Electoral Area D/Rural Grand Forks

January 18th, 2021

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Board of Directors welcomed its newest member when Danna O’Donnell swore her oath to represent the residents of Electoral Area D/Rural Grand Forks in local government today.

O’Donnell was acclaimed to the position after being the only candidate and nominee in a by-election triggered when former director Roly Russell was elected to the provincial legislature on October 24, 2020.


“On behalf of our entire Board of Directors, I welcome Director O’Donnell to the RDKB table,” said Diane Langman, RDKB Board Chair.

“We congratulate Danna on her new position and look forward to working with her on many important projects and initiatives as we serve our residents for the next two years.”


“I am thankful and excited to have this opportunity to work for all rural Grand Forks residents and to bring my experience and knowledge as a farmer, Boundary resident, and regional advocate to the RDKB board table,” O’Donnell said.

“I look forward to working with our twelve other directors on regional initiatives and find ways to cooperate within the Boundary and across our region to make the RDKB an even better place to live and work.”


Director O’Donnell has been a resident of rural Grand Forks for 19 years. She has served on the Boundary Organic Producers Association, Grand Forks and Boundary Regional Agricultural Society, and Grand Forks and District Fall Fair Society.

Some projects she is involved in are the Community Centre Stakeholders Group, Central Kootenay Food Policy Council, and the Boundary Area Food and Agriculture Advisory Council.

She will join her fellow RDKB directors at the next board meeting at 1 p.m. on January 28, 2021 on Zoom.

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