

By Contributor
December 6th, 2016

Air Cadet Matthew Flamond from the Grand Forks Air Cadet squadron realized the finer pints of drill during the Level 1 “Boot Camp” that was held recently at the Kembel Armories in Trail.

The “Boot Camp” was an introduction for cadets from around the Kootenays to learn about the basics of Drill, Uniform Care and Marksmanship with other cadets.

Flamond has been in Air Cadets since September and is a member of 841 Grand Forks Boundary Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Cadets. 

He was interested in cadets because of the Marksmanship and aviation aspects of the program.  He looks forward to going gliding and flying in powered aircraft with the cadet program.

Flamond said he enjoyed learning drill and doing the physical activates that were conducted over the weekend.  He liked the pizza supper on Saturday night but was not thrilled with the military Meals Ready to Eat that he had for the other meals.

The Cadet program, which include Sea, Army and Air Cadets, is the largest government funded youth program in Canada with over 50,000 participants across Canada.  The Royal Canadian Air Cadets accepts youth between the ages of 12-18 who have a desire to learn more about the air element of the Canadian Forces, wish to develop the attributes of leadership and good citizenship and who wish to promote physical fitness. 

While the program is military based, there is no obligation for a cadet to join the Canadian Armed Forces when he or she finishes their cadet career.

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