
Cops for Kids 2016 comes to Castlegar, Nelson, Rossland, Grand Forks

By Contributor
September 7th, 2016

Twenty-eight riders and seven support people from RCMP and supporting enforcement agencies within South East District will embark on the 15 annual Cops for Kids Ride on Sept. 9 (this Friday). The 2016 Ride will take the team across the southeastern corner of B.C., to raise awareness and essential funds for children in medical, physical or traumatic crisis.   

During their 10-day fundraising journey, Cops for Kids riders will cycle into 18 different communities, facing some challenging terrain and possible inclement weather conditions along the way. The route includes the ascent and decent of two mountains passes: the Anarchist Mountain and the Paulson summit. These encounters will remind each rider of the challenges that some children, our Little Ambassadors, face on a daily basis and it will serve to keep them focussed to complete their journey to help better the lives of these children. Funds raised from this event  pay for specific items required by children facing illness, disability or traumatic crisis. The ride will bring them into Castlegar on Sept. 11 to Boston Pizza at 4 p.m. Members of the public are encouraged to come meet the team during their stop in Castlegar to help cheer them on their journey.

 Along their route, the Little Ambassadors who benefit from fundraising will meet with the team in each community. For President Gail Harrison, it’s these little faces that serve as a reminder of why we must all work together to fill the gap for funding needs.

“We’re seeing families in tough situations when tragedy strikes … A family can’t plan for a crisis, so it’s important that Cops for Kids can be there financially when they need us most.”

This year, the team includes a large contingent from the Kootenay region.  BC Sheriffs Rob Crowder and Mike Kosof are joined again this year by Karen Armstrong from the Nelson RCMP Detachment, along with rookies Cst. Bill Long of the Nelson RCMP, and Cst. Eva Harding of the Trail RCMP. The group has been training all summer, and they’re excited to hit the road which brings them into their home communities.

“It’s a privilege to give back to the community where I’ve been posted,” says Harding.  “Becoming a police officer is about helping others in their time of need, and this ride is going to be a great test of our mental and physical strength.”

Cops for Kids are grateful for the generosity shown by all of our communities within our region.

“Our riders join us from detachments throughout the South East District, and they’ve each raised a minimum of $2,000 through various fundraising efforts in their own community,” says Ride Captain, Julio Krenz. “We’ve got great corporate sponsors, individual donors and service clubs who help us raise the essential funds we need. During the ride, local community groups, restaurants, and hotels generously extend their hospitality to our team.  Saving on these costs allows us to put all of our efforts towards the children, keeping our costs low.”

Donations are gratefully accepted at any time. To follow the team along their journey or to make a donation please visit the website at www.copsforkids.org


This post was syndicated from https://castlegarsource.com
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