
Grant money coming to Grand Forks

By Contributor
February 23rd, 2016

This year, 2016,  is shaping up to be a fantastic year for the City of Grand Forks. The federal government announced today that Grand Forks is one of 57 communities across Canada to receive Gas Tax Strategic Priorities funding. 


The City submitted an application for Performance Measurement and Reporting Framework for Sustainable Service Delivery and is receiving $195,000 or 100% of the project costs. 


In 2015 the City received a total of $374,166 in grants that will keep City staff busy on projects such as airport beacon upgrades, Rotary Tot Lot upgrades and an Ultra Violet Light System for waste water disinfection. Council is motivated to carry on with the good work the City started in 2015. The City receives an annual Small Communities Operating grant which added another $501,925 to grant money received in 2015.


“Council is proud of the work that was accomplished in 2015 and is already focused on several projects for 2016. The City got off to a great start with a super fun and well attended Family Day event and I believe this, along with just over 1 million dollars in grant money, has set us up for success. We are 


excited to continue the year with some really great projects for this community”, Mayor Konrad said. He noted that in 2015 City land sales totalled $120,000 and to date in 2016 there is significant development 


interest in the community. He added “Grand Forks has so much to offer, with affordable housing and cost of living, employment and business opportunities and great schools and amenities. We think that all the external marketing that the City has done is paying off and Grand Forks is on the radar of a lot of people who are looking to relocate.” 


The City of Grand Forks is grateful to upper levels of government for providing financial support to the

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