
WEEKLY HIKE: Observation Mountain

Boundary Sentinel
By Boundary Sentinel
August 16th, 2015

Observation Mountain is a classic hike in Grand Forks. It takes you to the “star” at the top where locals have formed chairs and a fire pit out of rocks. As is apparent from the name, the view is fantastic. From here, you can see the Grand Forks Valley and Northern Washington State. 

For the easier hike, turn North off of Central Avenue on 2 Street and drive one block to 75 Avenue. Turn right and then an immediate left onto Riverside Drive. Drive to the end of Riverside Drive (or start downtown and walk up the riverside trail) and park. The trail head is at the end of the cul-de-sac. 

Follow the trail along the river and when in doubt “stay left.” That’s the rule for finding your way to the top of Observation Mountain. However, meandering around on the trails is not a shabby way to spend a few hours. It’s hard to get lost in this area because you are always between North Fork Road and the Granby River. It’s easy to get your bearings once you find either one. 

The trail starts out pretty easy but the last part can be relatively steep, depending on your fitness level. 

Once you reach the top, catch your breath and soak in the view. 


Option B: There is a trail head at the end of 2nd Street (cross 75 Avenue instead of turning). This path is direct and steep. 

There is spotty cell service along this path and you may connect with an American network. 


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