
Boundary Trans-Canada Trail Partnership Agreement Signed

By Contributor
August 11th, 2015

Celia Evanson, president of Trails to the Boundary Society (TTTBS) and Tennessee Trent, the acting provincial trails manager for MFLNRO Recreation Sites and Trails BC signed the Partnership Agreement between the Province of British Columbia and the Trails to the Boundary Society.  The partnership agreement is official as of Aug. 1.

The society will be assisting the province in maintaining the Kettle Valley Rail Trail and the Columbia and Western Rail Trail which is part of the Trans-Canada Trail from Eholt to McCulloch Lake, a distance of about 155 km.  The total length of the southern BC Trans-Canada Trail is 1,750 km.

The trail coordinator for the society, Ciel Sander said, “The society’s mission is to promote the Trans-Canada Trail to align it with tourism and sustainable development in the Boundary.  We want to engage with each of the local communities along the trail to find out what local residents and land owners perspectives are.  We want to help determine how people are using the trail and what they would like to see in the future.”

Sander added, “We have already placed temporary signage to help trail users navigate and we are looking forward to improving some areas of the trail surface near highway crossings.  We seek volunteers from each of our communities along the trail to help with monitoring the trail, because it’s a big distance to cover.”

The Trails to the Boundary Society is collecting an informal survey of trail user’s experiences.  

Please contact the Trail Coordinator at trailstotheboundary@gmail.com.  The Trails to the Boundary Society also has a Facebook page, www.facebook.com/trailstotheboundary.  The general contact for the society is Ross Elliott, who can be reached at 250-449-2333 or fjrelliott@shaw.ca.

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