
Getting ready for soccer season

Boundary Youth and Soccer Association
By Boundary Youth and Soccer Association
March 21st, 2015

Hello Soccer Fans,

I just thought I would give you all an update of where we are and answer a few common questions that people are asking about.

At this time we have registered 223 kids in the U7 to U16 age groups and 41 kids in the K4K bunch, for a total of 264 in all which is pretty much on par with what we expected and have done in the past. This is a good thing as it confirms to us in our 5th year that we are a stable organization with a bright future ahead. 

As usual we are always accepting new players … yup the door never closes.

Our U16 numbers could be a bit higher so we will be playing small sided soccer for that bunch, but it will be challenging and fun. We are also in talks with some other groups to arrange some tournament or fun game events.

Our heaviest division is the U9 group with eight teams and this a result of the success with the K4K (Kicks for Kids) program started a few years back and the great support of all those families that are now entering into soccer.

U11 to U16 should expect to have some double headers as there are an odd amount of teams in all those groups, but better to have a double header than a bye (missed) game.

This weekend we ran our coach clinics and are happy to say we have coaches for all the teams that we need. There are 36 Coaches in all this year for a total of 28 teams. Add to that our great K4K bunch doing their thing in Christina Lake, Grand Forks and the West Boundary this year.

At this time I am just finalizing the rosters and in the next week will be sending the coaches their list — who will then in turn start calling players around the end of March to organize that first practice.

First practices are important for you attend as it is at this time your Coach will want to engage you in how the season will look, identify a team Manager, and clear up or answer any questions that you may have in regards to practices, BYSA policies etc., it is usually at this time that practices are set for the year.

It is also about this time in late March that a season schedule will be posted for you all.

There will be an “All Coaches” meeting on April 1st in Grand Forks in the evening. This will also be equipment pick up time and an opportunity to network with each other, ask questions and get advice.

First games for everyone (excluding the K4K as they branch off and do their own thing mid week) will be in Midway on April 12th.

BYSA has had great success with our equipment table, seen at most events, this will continue on this year, we have purchased some items and will resell at cost, or we have a decent supply of used stuff that has been donated. So if you have outgrown your cleats, socks, shin guards etc. and it is still usable bring it to the games to be recycled.

Many of you have expressed an ability to help out with various events and functions and we will be getting in touch with you soon enough. Thank You very much for that, it is going to take a huge concern away and make for a much smoother season with all that extra help.

On our website there is a lot of useful information including a calendar of events and  Club Handbook, which pretty much explains everything one needs to be aware of. I highly suggest everyone at least skims this. Of particular note is our revamped policy on ball heading, found at the end of the Handbook. It is controversial maybe to some, but it is for the best interest to all our players — have a look!


And as always I am happy to answer and work with you all to make this a successful and enjoyable season for everyone.

Jeff Olsen

Program Administrator

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