
Wildfire season starts in the Boundary

Shara JJ Cooper
By Shara JJ Cooper
April 15th, 2014

The snow is gone and the grass is dry, which means it’s fire season again in the Boundary. 

Grand Forks Fire Rescue has already begun attending grass fires including one that happened on the weekend. 

The weekend fire was a controlled burn up North Fork Road, but when the wind picked up, it wasn’t under control anymore, said Deputy Fire Chief Kevin McKinnon. 

According to McKinnon, fire season is just getting started and people need to remember that if they are going to have grassfires, they need to be prepared. Preparation includes having enough water, equipment and people handy in case the fire gets out of control. 

The fire on the weekend didn’t take long to control and McKinnon said that they only sent a couple fire trucks out to manage it. 

There are no large wildfires in the Boundary area right now. The most recent wildfire was in the Elko-Grasmere region and covered over 18 hectares on April 10. 

For more information about Wildfires, check out the BCWildfire website. 

Categories: General