
Scheduled burn near Rock Creek this week

Boundary Sentinel
By Boundary Sentinel
March 25th, 2014

A prescribed burn is starting around the Johnstone Creek area five kilometres West of Rock Creek as soon as today, March 25. 

The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations is conducting the burn over approximately 31-hectares (76 acres) as part of their regular burning schedule. 

The burn will start when weather conditions are ideal and allow for the fire to burn at a low to medium intensity and the smoke to dissipate easily. If they don’t get ideal conditions, they will cancel the burn this year.

These fires are used to change the ecological conditions for wildlife, maintain a habitat and get rid of excess forest fuel loads. 

The fire is designed to mimic a natural wildfire in a controlled setting. By doing regular controlled burns, the government is able to reduce the amount of dead, flammable material on the ground and reduce the amount of insect infestations. 

Check the BC Forest Fire Facebook page for more information and to find pictures of the burn. 


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