
No chickens in Greenwood

Shara JJ Cooper
By Shara JJ Cooper
March 21st, 2014

Greenwood city council debated having chickens within city limits during their regular March 10 meeting. After the debate, city council decided to leave things as they are, with no chickens allowed within city limits and the current bylaw still in place.

Council and staff said that they are attempting to beautify the city and people that currently own chickens will be getting a letter advising them that they may have to get rid of them.

According to Mayor Nipper Kettle via his Facebook page, “The chicken issue can be brought back to the table. No one has any objection to chickens a source of food (eggs) but we do not want the city filling up with henneries and there will have to be regulations in place. Staff is looking into this and more information and a lot of research has to be done before the current bylaw can be changed if that is the intent.”

He also said there were only four people at the meeting, suggesting that people who want a say, should consider attending.

Greenwood does not currently have a bylaw enforcement officer that could enforce the city bylaws. The last bylaw officer retired in 2012 and city council decided not to hire another officer in order to save taxpayers money. They’d rather take the initiative by writing letters to people who may have broken bylaws.

A discussion commenced on Kettle’s Facebook page and he said that while larger cities – like Vancouver – do allow chickens they also have limits and regulations so that neighbours and surrounding areas are not affected.

Kettle says he can bring this before council again within 30 days.


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