
Partners in Parenting

Boundary Sentinel
By Boundary Sentinel
February 19th, 2014


Partners in Parenting

Speaker: Terri-Joy Elwood  MS, SLP; Parent Consultant                          

Authorized Facilitator, Neufeld Institute; insightforparents.ca

Understanding Preschoolers (AM) Adolescent Sexuality (PM)  

Alternate afternoon sessions: Make and Take Aboriginal Talking Stick or Relaxation Yoga


Saturday March 1, 2014  9:00-3:30


West Boundary Elementary School; Rock Creek, BC 

$30. Registration fee; $45. for family couple covered through generosity of your SD#51 DPAC for parents of school aged children (first 40 registrants)

Other subsidies for families with children under 6 may also be available.

Registration includes continental breakfast and catered lunch               

Phone 250-442-5152 or 1-800-475-2823 for information or visit the BCCRR in the Boundary Park Mall

Registration deadline February 24.

Onsite child care is available. Must pre-register.

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