
LIBRARY MUSINGS: Record breaking book sales with more to come

Grand Forks and District Public Library
By Grand Forks and District Public Library
November 21st, 2013

Our incredibly hard-working Friends of the Library group has followed up their record-breaking book sale with a very successful fundraiser at Clyde’s (a great big thank you to Steve and Patti, and everyone who came out). But they’re not stopping there – they will be holding their famous Christmas Cookie Sale on Tuesday, December 3 at 10 am. Mix and match, or get them by the dozen! There will be all kinds, every imaginable flavour, decorated and ready for you to share with friends and family (or not).

And I’d like to let you all know that the Friends of the Library are always looking for new members –  if you’d like to join them, send us an email at library@gfpl.ca.  

Book Club

This month’s book is Old Filth by Jane Gardam. The book club will be meeting on Wednesday, November 27 (Christina Living Arts Centre) at 1:30 pm, and on Thursday, November 28 (Grand Forks) at 7:00 pm. Come prepared for a lively discussion.

On Knitting

Thank you to our knitting and crocheting club for the wonderful chair covers they’ve created – feel free to come join them on either an individual or group project on Saturday afternoons from 1:15 – 2:45 pm.  And take note: there may be some exciting yarn bombing happening in the future!

Top Ten Most Popular Magazines (of the last few months)

1.       Canada’s Style at Home

2.       Mother Earth News

3.       Utne Reader

4.       Discover

5.       Canadian Home Workshop

6.       Canadian Gardening

7.       Popular Science

8.       Scientific American

9.       Small Farm Canada

10.   Quiltmaker


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