
Ruckus at Clyde's

By asoundguy
November 9th, 2013

When I entered Clyde’s Halloween party I was greeted by a booming drum solo with partiers like Spiderman and his cat companions cutting up the dance floor.

That was the setting for Ruckus who hail from Castlegar and came to grace Grand Forks with their classic rock ways.

Armed with a female lead singer Lorette Sheriff, founder and drummer Rob Taylor, bass man Brian Poznikoff and guitarist Logan Carlstrom they weren’t afraid to embrace classics from other female vocalists

Sheriff was belting out classics from Melissa Etheridge, Blondie and Biff Naked among others the night went on with the whole band performing tightly — showing their experience.

Although it was the day after Halloween that didn’t mean it was time for the costumes and decorations to be stuffed in to the basement, in fact the opposite happened — the place was decorated with lights and spider webs and I was the only one without a costume!

The mostly under 30 crowd enjoyed the classic rock tunes just as much as their parents did when they were young and Ruckus lived up to there motto of “Sing along and dance your ass off.” 

Not too loud for the talkers, not too quiet for the dancers and fun for everyone. The night seamed like a success and I hope Clyde’s makes this an annual event.

It wasn’t Ruckus first time in the Grand Forks area and I doubt it will be their last so keep your eyes open for the next time they are in town.

Learn more about them at their website and Facebook page. 

— submitted by Zak Eburne


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