
Flu clinic schedule for the Boundary region

By Contributor
October 5th, 2013

Flu clinic schedule – bring your health care card with you. 





Nov. 4

9:00 am – Noon

Beaverdell Community Hall

5841 Hwy 33, Beaverdell, 250-484-5623

Nov. 5

9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Grand Forks Senior Citizen’s Hall

City Park, Grand Forks

Nov. 6

9:00 am – Noon

1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Midway Fire Hall

661 8th Ave., Midway, 250-449-2222

Nov. 6

4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Grand Forks Secondary School Multi-purpose Room

1331 Central Ave., Grand Forks – Especially for First Responders; Families with Infants/Children; Students & Daytime Workers

Nov. 7

9:00 am – Noon

1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Greenwood McArthur Centre

346 S. Copper St., Greenwood

Nov. 13

9:00 am – Noon

Christina Lake Community Hall

90 Park Road, Christina Lake

Nov. 13

4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Midway Health Unit

540 7th Ave., Midway, 250-449-2887

Especially for First Responders; Families with Infants/Children; Students & Daytime Workers

All clinics are drop-in only.  No appointments will be made.



Flu shots are safe, effective, and provided free for:

·         People 65 years and older and their caregivers/household contacts

·         People of any age in residential care facilities

·         Children and adults with chronic health conditions and their household contacts

·         Children & adolescents (6 months to 18 years) with conditions treated for long periods of time with Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin/ ASA) and their household contacts.

·         Children & adults who are very obese

·         Aboriginal people

·         All children 6-59 months of age

·         Household contacts and caregivers of infants and children 0-59 months of age

·         Pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy during the influenza season and their household contacts

·         People who work with live poultry

·         Health care and other care providers in facilities and community settings who are capable of transmitting influenza disease to those at high risk of influenza complications

·         Individuals who provide care or service in potential outbreak settings housing high risk persons (e.g., crew on ships)

·         People who provide essential community services (First Responders, Corrections Workers)

·         Inmates of provincial correctional institutions

The flu (influenza) is highly contagious. Getting your flu shot protects you and those around you – at home, school and work. For more information contact your local public health office,

For visit www.interiorhealth.ca


What if I am not eligible?

If you are not eligible for a free flu shot, you can purchase one at many local pharmacies, or ask your physician or walk-in clinic.

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