
LETTER: The Boundary Museum Society grateful to the firefighters

By Contributor
September 26th, 2013

Last Thursdays fire in city hall caused many people a great deal of concern. I know myself and the other board members and staff of the Boundary Museum Society were sick with fear for the condition of the archives which are located in the basement.

When we were allowed entry on Sunday, we could not believe what we were seeing.  Other than the smell of smoke and a bit of water damage mostly to office equipment there was virtually no damage.

After seeing the extent of the damage to the first floor it became even more amazing that the basement escaped virtually unscathed. I find it unbelievable that the fire department managed to knock down that fire so quickly and used so little water to do it. We all owe them a big thank you for a job well done.

Also a thank you to Doug Allin and the city staff for their concern and getting us entry to the archives as quickly as possible.

Our archivist Sue Adrain will work out of the Boundary Museum Office. The hours are 10 to 4 Tuesday to Friday and all enquiries can  be directed to 250-442-3737

Again thank you fire department, you are amazing.

The staff and board of the Boundary Museum Society.



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