
Boundary Historical Society calls for "budding historians"

By Contributor
July 12th, 2013

Fifty-five years ago, in September 1958, the Boundary Historical Society (BHS), then only 7 years old, published its first “report”, a collection of stories and articles documenting the early days of towns and camps throughout the Boundary district of southern British Columbia. These first histories and reminiscences were written by true pioneers of the district including Marjorie Reynolds, Ted McArthur, Sr. and Carl Thomet.  

Over the years, the BHS has published 15 reports, all providing a wealth of historical and educational material for succeeding generations.

Now in 2013, members of the BHS are preparing a new collection of family, municipal, business and industry histories for publication of report number 16.   And they are asking for help in accomplishing this task from residents who have stories to tell.  

A great many have already volunteered to provide information and vintage photographs. But so far, only a few have submitted finished copy. Time is running thin to gather everything together for this publication. Society members are willing to help those who require assistance with their articles and stories. There is still time to get your heritage preserved in print.

Sue Adrain, community archivist, is the primary contact for your submissions and can be reached at Grand Forks city hall 250-442-8266 or at the Boundary Museum at 250-442-3737. You can also email your submissions to boundarymuse@shaw.ca

Other members of the Society have been assigned as contacts for those who have already indicated their intentions of making a submission. You will be contacted directly by those members.

Look for Report # 16 to be printed in early 2014 – with a little help from Boundary area budding historians.

— submitted by the Boundary Historical Society

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