4th Annual Christina Lake Homecoming Summer Festival 2013
With Summer around the corner The Homecoming Crew has been busy planning our 4th Annual Christina Lake Homecoming Summer Festival, July 19th and 20th. Everyone is invited to our Homecoming Summer Festival in celebration of this beautiful community.
The Homecoming Festival is a place where memories are shared and new ones are made. It’s a time for all, past and present, near or far, to unify in our love for “The Lake.” It’s a time for our community, to come together to celebrate our regions talents, showcase our businesses and bring awareness to our community services and organizations. With over 1500 people in attendance last year, it is fast becoming a tradition here in Christina Lake.
Homecoming kicks off with a celebration of all our wonderful community groups, organizations, and volunteers on Friday (July 19th) at The Christina Living Arts Centre for a Wine and Cheese Social and Volunteer Appreciation from 7 to 9pm. Come hear the wonderful things our community volunteers have been up to. Let’s celebrate and toast a glass to all the efforts of our community throughout the last year. Slide show presentation about each group and awards of appreciation to be handed out by Grace McGregor.
Saturday (July 20th) is shaping up to be a fantastic day for all. Beginning with our famous pancake breakfast served by the community hall association, and our market from 9 am to 2 pm. There will be 50+ Vendors, community groups, artists & businesses. Aboriginal family support worker Laranna Androsoff will be facilitating the “Granny and Grampa Connections Box” , an interactive workshop for children and their caregivers. Danny Williamson, a local Metis will be there to demo his pine needle baskets and create traditional “Talking Sticks” with the community.
Free yoga with Leah will be offered at The Christina Living Arts Centre on Saturday from 9 to 10 am.
For all you photographers out there, gather your photos and email in high resolution jpg to christinalakehomecoming@gmail.com, or if photos need to be scanned call or email , and we will arrange to have them scanned, 250-447-9771. Photos will be displayed during the market on Saturday and winners will be announced at 11 am. Prizes for the winners. Deadline to enter is July 18.
The Summer Photo Contest is on. Categories are:
1. Celebrating Culture in our Communities-photos of cultural events in and around our community.
2. Summer Sports & Outdoor Activities-from waterskiing to fishing
3.Nature and Landscape of Christina Lake in Summer
4.Wildlife/Plant life from Christina Lake in Summer
5. Portraits in Summer
6. Historical Photos of Christina Lake and Area in Summer
Music performance beginning at 8 am with Juno Shenstone’s beautiful harp playing to ease into our day with her ethereal notes. Jeff Holitzki will charm us with his acoustic rhythms on the guitar, and the threesome, Intunistics will be a delight for all. Edward Macleod will sing those beautiful east coast songs, and our local talent Damien Alblas will rock out a few originals. We are thrilled to be having Amanda Thate, from Grand Forks, winner of the Emerging Artist Showdown, join us at 12 pm for an hour acoustic set and Big Raven Community Productions from Grand Forks to follow.
After the market come on down to the main beach for some free paddle board demos, offered by WildWays and Cascade Surf. Stop by The Christina Living Arts Centre to hear a presentation on The Christina Lake Watershed from 3 to 4 pm by the Christina Lake Stewardship Society.
The fire department is getting ready to prepare another BBQ feast for our community potluck, with help from the ladies auxiliary. Get creative, try that new recipe or bring cupcakes to share! Join us for a evening of entertainment including local favourites, Lisa Smith & Friends, Rosemary Phillips, Rara Avis Dancers, Les Folles Jambettes, Luminosity and Blackberry Wood to get us on the dance floor! Bring your family, your neighbours, your visitors and join us for our family dance. There will be a cash bar and snacks for sale in the evening. Potluck BBQ and family dance from 4 to 10 pm.
Wanting to help make this year a success? We are always grateful to our community volunteers who can help with set up, hang art, help with traffic, help our vendors unload, and of course our favourite to clean up. If you have a little time to spare over the Homecoming weekend, either on Friday or Saturday morning or Friday or Saturday night we are in need of a few helpers.
Check us out on Facebook Christina Lake Homecoming Summer Festival
— submitted by The Homecoming Committee in partnership with Director Grace McGregor.