Christina Lake residents say they aren't interested in a shared sewer system
After hearing concerns about the water quality at Christina Lake, Grace McGregor, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) Area C Director, decided to pass out a survey so residents could voice their opinions on the issue.
Most people seem happy with the current set-up. Some individuals have invested a significant amount of money in an updated sewer system and don’t want to make any further changes, especially if they aren’t contributing to any water contamination, said McGregor.
McGregor isn’t worried about the lake’s water quality.
“We test the water in the lake regularly and I have no concerns,” she said. “We will continue to do random lake tests. If the water quality was at risk, of course we would do something. The lake actually tests very clean.”
However, despite the water tests, some residents continued to share their concerns with McGregor when they see her. They are worried because all residents and businesses at the lake are on septic systems and they don’t want this to compromise the water quality or lake’s eco-system.
In the survey McGregor asked if residents wanted the RDKB to commission a feasibility study to determine the cost and benefits of a sewer and treatment system at the lake.
The RDKB sent out 1,869 surveys and had 865 responses with 432 against a sewer system, 341 in favour and 98 saying they wanted more information.
McGregor is not inclined to take the issue any further unless the water quality at the lake starts to decline or the residents express an overwhelming interest in moving forward with a water system.
The cost of the study would come out of taxpayers’ pockets; something McGregor isn’t willing to do without a valid reason. She would go ahead with the study if a grant was available that covered the cost, but that hasn’t happened yet.