
Grand Forks takes part in Drinking Water Week

By Contributor
May 17th, 2013

If your habits resemble those of an average Grand Forks resident, you use about 720 litres per day of water—that’s more than 3,000 cups of water every day. That’s also about one-third more than the average British Columbian.

Have you ever wondered where all that water comes from? With May 20 to 26, 2013 being Drinking Water Week across BC, the City of Grand Forks is hosting an open house at Well #3, located on 68th Ave. just east of 27th St. We want to help you save water and use it more efficiently. Join us for a short tour, refreshments and find out where your water comes from.

The open house is the first of many opportunities in the coming months for residents to learn helpful tips and practical solutions to reducing water use, and maintaining a healthy lawn and garden.

“We cannot take tap water for granted as it is a finite resource that should be valued and protected. Please join us at our open house and learn where our water comes from,” says city councillor Cher Wyers, chair of the city’s Environment Committee.

Currently, the City of Grand Forks pumps water to a reservoir located in the east end of Grand Forks. The electricity costs associated with pumping, as well as wear on the pumps would be reduced if water demands could be reduced up to 25 per cent.

“There are significant costs and energy required to deliver water to our taps and treat it to be safe and clean. Conserving water will reduce peak demands and help reduce the cost to maintain and operate the water system,” says city councillor Gary Smith, co-chair of the city’s Environment Committee.

There are a number of things you can do in the coming weeks to learn more about water conservation, including how to use less at home and still maintain a healthy lawn and garden.

Get started by making a commitment to save water by taking the Drinking Water Challenge at http://www.drinkingwaterweek.org/challenge

Join us May 23 between noon and 3pm at the well site for the open house (68th Ave. just before 27th St.)

Come see us on June 18 at 7pm at Dr. D.A. Perley Elementary for a public information session, sponsored by FortisBC, on how you can save water, energy and money all at the same time.

Watch your mailbox in June for a newsletter with more information and tips on how you can reduce your water consumption. 

— submitted by the City of Grand Forks

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