
Weekly breastfeeding cafe starts next week

By Contributor
May 4th, 2013

It’s well known that support reinforces breastfeeding rates.  In 2012, Boundary Family & Individual Services Society (BFISS) and Public Health Nursing partnered with the help of college students, Success by Six and the Rotary Club to enroll 60 businesses in the Breastfeeding Friendly Boundary initiative.  Recognizing that breastfeeding is most successful when done anytime/anywhere, these supportive businesses welcome families that are breastfeeding into their premises. For a map and listing of the businesses taking part, go here.

The winners of our Breastfeeding Friendly Business draw are: Lisa’s Bistro from Christina Lake and Kokomos from Grand Forks won activity centres for children and NSP Travel from Grand Forks and The Spot in Midway won baby change tables.

With the help of a grant from the Grand Forks District Savings Credit Union and assistance from Success by Six, breastfeeding support is moving to a new level with the May 14 start of the Boundary Breastfeeding Café.

While breastfeeding is normal and natural, learning to breastfeed can sometimes take a little time and patience.  The purpose of the Breastfeeding Café is to create welcoming space for one hour every week where women can gather to share experiences, information and support for one another.

The Café will be facilitated by volunteers who are local mothers with breastfeeding experience and education, in collaboration with Baby’s Best Chance and Public Health Nursing staff.

The Café is open to women of any age who wish to breastfeed or to support breastfeeding.  This includes pregnant and breastfeeding women (new to breastfeeding or experienced); grandma’s, aunties and sisters of women who are, or want to  breastfeed; women who plan to adopt infants and women who may be artificially feeding their infants now, but who want to learn more about breastfeeding.


Breastfeeding Café:   

WHEN: Every Tuesday morning 

TIME: 10 – 11 am                

WHERE: Upstairs, Glanville Family Centre (Annex to Perley Elementary School); 1200 Central Avenue                                        

1st. CAFÉ: May 14

Tea & light snack provided.

For more information call Cynthia at BFISS (250-442-5355), or IHA Public Health Nursing (250-443-3150)


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