
Midway Community Gardens in full swing this year

Shara JJ Cooper
By Shara JJ Cooper
May 3rd, 2013

The Midway Community Gardens are up and ready for planting this season. The gardens enable anyone to grow their own food, regardless of how much space they have at home. It’s an affordable process with raised garden beds and garden plots costing $5 for the year. After that, gardeners just need to get their seeds and put in some labour so they can reap the rewards.

The idea for the gardens was born in 2010 by Dunsdon and his fellow volunteers. Their group started with 20 volunteers and the Village of Midway donated 0.2 hectares (1/2-acre) near the airport hangers.

This type of garden is definitely a community effort, said organizer Dick Dunsdon.

The project was such a success they were able to double their size the following year.They started out with 30 raised beds that were 1.2 metres (4 feet) by 3 metres (10 feet). The 30 beds were quickly snapped up and 45 garden plots were added with 30 of them being used the first year.

Since it was developed, they have continued to add to the facilities. A portable toilet is available for gardeners and an underground water system was installed in 2011. Gardening tools, mulching material, hoses and commercial compost are also available. For disable users, there are two raised beds that are a little higher than the other beds, which makes them a little easier to access. 

Last year, the organization planted 30.4 kg (40 lbs) of Russian Red garlic, which was sold as a fundraiser for the group in the fall.

Schools, food sharing groups and local residents are often seen using the garden.

There aren’t any stipulations on how the gardens are used, but volunteers encourage the other gardeners to use drip irrigation to conserve water and most gardeners use little to no chemicals on their plots. Everyone is encouraged to add to the Village compost pile, which is located at the community gardens.

Anyone that wants to sign up for a plot or bed can do so at the Village office.

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