
Local singer/songwriter releases first CD

Shara JJ Cooper
By Shara JJ Cooper
April 29th, 2013

Russell Morrison credits music with saving his life. For about 15 years, the Grand Forks resident was addicted to cocaine. That all changed when he was in a motorcycle accident.

“It was so painful, I couldn’t go score,” he said.

For some, the pain might be enough to get them hooked on other drugs, but Morrison found relief another way.

“Playing music is better than drugs. It fills your mind up so completely that you can’t feel any pain,” he said, of his 25-year passion.

Even though he still suffers from chronic pain, he has been clean for four years and is taking his music to the next level.

In mid-March, he released his first CD. It’s a personal project. He recorded the CD at home on his computer and distributes it himself. But, he’s happy with the results.

“I’ve sold about 35 so far,” he said, adding that’s about one a day and people are giving him really positive feedback.

He describes the music as blues, with different sub-genres like blues country and blues folk.

“I tried to make it really diverse so it appeals to everybody,” he said.

Every song on the CD is original. He writes them all himself and listeners definitely won’t hear them anywhere else.

“I have a terrible memory,” he said. “I make it up as I go. It takes me 20 minutes to 2 days to complete a song. I don’t usually play them over again. They are strictly original.”

Morrison really loves guitars but he also plays the bass and harmonica on the CD. He proved his love for his instruments during the fire at the Winnipeg Hotel last year.

“I noticed the fire and had to decide which guitars I was going to take,” he said, as he rushed to evacuate his home. “I had a guitar between each of my fingers. But then I had to put them down and go get my cat.”

Thankfully, the cat, Morrison and the guitars were untouched by the fire.

Morrison plans on recording a second CD later this year. He’s already had requests from his fans, including a range of music from flamenco to stoner metal.

Music lovers can currently check him out at the open mike nights held at Kokomos Coffee House (Grand Forks) Lisa’s Lakeside Bistro (Christina Lake) or the Crow and Bear Pub(Christina Lake).

CDs are also for sale through Morrison or at Kokomos for $10

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