
Juno award winning artist performing next week

Boundary Sentinel
By Boundary Sentinel
March 10th, 2013

As part of the Grand Forks ‘Casa Que Canta concerts, they are welcoming multiple Juno award-winning Blackie and the Rodeo Kings member Stephen Fearing as he launches his next solo album, the highly anticipated, Between Hurricanes.

Born out of several life-changing events, Between Hurricanes is both the document and result of many significant changes for Fearing.

“In 2006, I released Yellowjacket. Though I didn’t know it at the time, it marked the end of many things and the beginning of so many more,” says Fearing. “My marriage of 14 years ended shortly after the record came out. Hard on the heels of this devastation, True North Records – my home on record for over a decade – changed hands. I was still under contract to them, but it quickly became apparent that it was time for me to move on. Around the same time, my dear friend and manager Bernie Finkelstein started to make noises about cutting back on his workload. Bernie and I had been together through thick and thin for over 16 years, but I realized that it was time to let go of the old ties and step out into the brave new world of true independence.”

In 2008, Fearing moved from his home in Guelph, Ontario and headed to Halifax, Nova Scotia. He completed work on both Blackie and The Rodeo Kings’ Polaris Prize nominated Kings and Queens (which featured duets with 14 iconic female singers including Lucinda Williams, Emmylou Harris, and Roseanne Cash) and his album with Belfast’s Andy White, Fearing & White. He also got remarried, became a father, and still managed to tour relentlessly. Life moved quickly, and it wasn’t long before there had been a significant amount of time since the release of Yellowjacket.

Luckily, new songs had begun to emerge and plans were finally made to return to studio.

Between Hurricanes’ eleven tracks were shaped with the idea of crafting a solo record while not employing a traditional ‘folk’ approach to the music. Fearing and Whynot put their focus on the fundamentals of the songs while subtly adding space and a mood that surrounds them. The minimal arrangements range from the finely honed piano, bass, and drum accents on “As The Crow Flies” to the ethereal synths on “Cold Dawn.”

Attached please find the event poster which we encourage you to share with friends and neighbours – as we all seek to support and grow musical options in our area. Also find more info about Stephen and his music in the links attached.  

Did you know?

The Gem was originally a live theatre – and has the distinction of being one of the province’s best in acoustics! Built in 1911, then burnt down and rebuilt in 1913 – the Gem is now celebrating 100 years as a great Theatre! 

The Gem folks are co-sponsoring the Stephen Fearing event – as great supporters of live music, arts and theatre in our community.

At the Mar. 13 concert – the Gem concession will be adding some Between Hurricane offerings including Hurricane drinks and snacks. So before the concert (7:00 – 7:30 p.m.) and during intermission – please support the Gem because they heartily support this community.   

Our recent Concert with Stephen Palmer: 

Thanks to all those who came to the Stephen Palmer concert in February. Casa que Canta heard back from many of you that it was considered a huge success – with all expectations surpassed. One attendee said she came “Just to support the idea of continuing musical concerts in Grand Forks – not anticipating that the concert was “up her alley.”

She was greatly surprised that she really loved the music, had a splendid time and left with one of the CD’s offered for sale. So the moral of the story: do not pre-judge musicians solely by computer content and Youtube offerings – and know that the personal touch is always the magical part.  They do promise a great evening to hear Stephen Fearing!   

DATE: Wednesday, Mar. 13

PLACE: The Gem Theatre

TICKETS: $18 advance / $20 Door

TIME: Doors open 7:00 pm – Concert starts 7:30 pm

Where to buy tickets:  The Gem Theatre

                                  Kocomos Coffee House


  or call 250-442-2367 for details or ticket info.    





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