
Nominations open celebrating the women of the Boundary

By Contributor
January 28th, 2013

The idea for a day to celebrate women first arose at the turn of the last century; it is rooted in the struggle of women to participate in society on an equal footing with men.    Initially the focus of the movement was women’s rights and the achievement of universal suffrage for women.  Today the focus is more a celebration of the strength of women.

In 1977, the United Nations proclaimed a day for women’s rights and international peace.  Following the United Nations’ lead, Canada chose March 8th as International Women’s Day. Globally, events are held to inspire women and honour achievements. 

Boundary Women’s Coalition has, for a number or years, observed the day with an awards event that celebrates significant women in our community. The Coalition does not select the recipients; anyone can make a nomination and all women nominated are acknowledged at the event. 

A nomination package can be requested by email to bwrc@telus.net or by phone to (250) 442-5212 or in person at Boundary Women’s Resource Centre, 268 Market Avenue, Grand Forks. The nomination package details the categories and process.

Nomination forms must be returned to the Resource Centre by midnight, Feb. 14.  This year, the Outstanding Women of the Boundary Awards event will be held on Friday, Mar. 8, at the Christina Lake Community Hall.

We all know women who – by their actions, by the way they live their lives – make the Boundary Community a better place in which to live. They are more today than they were yesterday, they have made a significant impression and they inspire the rest of us.  I encourage you to celebrate the special women in your life with a nomination.

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