
OPINION: Warmth of Christmas spirit can be addictive

Mona Mattei
By Mona Mattei
December 25th, 2012

Having just returned from a trip across the continent to visit family, I must admit that the Christmas holiday season is a time of year that raises conflicting emotions for me.

Having spent the last week in New York, immersed in mourning the loss of young children in a senseless crime, the gun control debate and whether their economy is about to drop off a cliff, I have to say it wasn’t uplifting to tune into the TV culture during my visit. And it was a certainly a depressing prelude to the celebration season that tuned my brain into wondering about the whole concept of Christmas.

Generally, I don’t rail against Christmas – it’s great to deliberately take time with friends and family. But it’s almost stressful just thinking of trying to make sure we don’t miss anyone squeezing every moment out of the days we have off to make contact with them all. I’ve been to New York and back, need to head to Fruitvale, back home and then off to Castlegar again – whew, do I get some chill time for my “holiday”??

And I just often wonder why it is that this particular time of year became that time. After all, in the great white north travel at this time of year can be downright scary. But year after year we get into our cars and head off over mountain passes to have a visit.

My guess is that the warmth, love and kindness we share at Christmas are what keep us coming back year after year. It’s a time we all take a collective breath, smile at each other, share warm greetings with perfect strangers, and give of ourselves without expectation.

And that is the true spirit of Christmas that almost the entire world shares in despite the grief, politics and tragedy that surrounds us the rest of the year.

So, dear readers, even though I’d vote for Christmas in July in a heartbeat, I have to agree that I enjoy this holiday season and wouldn’t want to miss out on these special moments with my family and friends.

To you and yours, The Boundary Sentinel wishes Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Categories: GeneralOp/Ed