
LIBRARY MUSINGS: Books and fun for the holidays

Grand Forks and District Public Library
By Grand Forks and District Public Library
December 11th, 2012


Hi Grand Folks!

I have good news – we’ve added some new DVDs to our collection! A very generous patron donated some money, and we were able to purchase a bunch of movies. Which brings me to my next point – if any of you have any DVDs lying around that you’d want to share with others, please consider donating them to the library.  

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And here’s the latest on what’s going on at the library this month:

  • Just a reminder that there will be no bookclub in December – we’ve moved “A Fatal Grace” to June, and January’s book will be arriving later this month.
  • Fabulous Friday will be happening on Dec. 14 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. – come to the library for a family fun afternoon of boardgames, crafts, snacks, puppets, chess, and XBox 360 Kinect!

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For those of you crafty, holiday gift-makers out there, we have several new books that have just come in – books on things like screenprinting, papercrafts, stitching and embroidering. That sort of thing.

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And I’ll end this week’s column by telling you about three new non-fiction books that arrived this week:

  • “Money: Understand and Creating Alternatives to Legal Tender” – a perfect read for those who think Grand Forks should have its own local currency.
  • “Blog Inc: Blogging for Passion, Profit, and to Create Community” – for those of you aspiring bloggers out there.
  •  “101 Things To Do With Apples” – ‘tis the season to eat apples! There are recipes in here for everything from ‘Butternut-Apple Soup’ to ‘Slow Cooker Apple-Cider Pot Roast’ to ‘Apple Baked Beans” and lots more. 

Happy eating! 

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