
Teams welcome to get on board for 2013 Cancer Relay

By Contributor
November 30th, 2012

By: Relay for Life volunteer, Myrna Logan

Planning for an event on a sunny June day seems very far away from these gloomy November days. But that is what I have been doing, we have begun planning for the Relay For Life 2013 in Grand Forks.

This year, for myself it is with a heavy heart. This past summer my sister passed away from cancer. This is not the first person I have lost to cancer and, unfortunately, she probably won’t be the last.

Being a volunteer for the Relay For Life helps me channel some of that grief, anger and feeling of no control into something a little more positive.

As the chairperson of the Luminary Ceremony for our Relay, I can channel it in two ways. I can help raise money for research to help eliminate cancer, and to help fund programs through the Canadian Cancer Society to help people dealing with this disease.

The second way I can help is to help those of us left here with our grief and nowhere to target it.  I am so grateful to help give everyone that is dealing with cancer in some way a place to come together.

At the luminary ceremony we cry, we laugh but mostly we remember people we have lost and honour people who are dealing with the disease.

As we plan for the Relay in 2013 our attention turns to getting our teams to sign up for the upcoming year to help us raise the funds, but it also turns to our other needs of signing up volunteers. We always need volunteers.

I told you why I volunteer, other people may have their own reasons or may just want to come out on a beautiful June day, in the sunshine and put in a few hours for a good cause. I hope anyone reading this letter will consider giving some time to the Relay For Life 2013, whether it is as part of a Relay Team or as a volunteer.

We would greatly appreciate your help, contact us by calling Jacquie Wolff or Jenn Edwards at 250-442-3332 (daytime) 250-443-3002 (evening) or stop in to see them at Yaki Jacquie’s Café.

Categories: GeneralHealth

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