
Family fun at the child's day chili supper

Mona Mattei
By Mona Mattei
November 23rd, 2012

Over 130 people enjoyed chili dinner and family fun at the International Children’s Day event held on Tuesday, Nov. 20 at Perley Elementary School gym. The evening celebration was a collaborative effort between Boundary All Nations Aboriginal Council (BANAC), parents of young children group, Baby’s Best Chance program, Strong Start, Boundary Child Care and Referral, Little People’s Centre, and Columbia Basin Literacy programs.

The evening opened with a welcome ceremony by elder Joan Holmes, a member of BANAC, and a plate of food was set aside for the ancestors according to native tradition. Families then enjoyed each other’s company over dinner while their children explored a range of fun activities for all ages.

“Parents said they likes these events where we invite all families – it’s a time for them to come together and meet each other, talk and for the kids to play together and hang out,” said Cynthia Garnett, co-ordinator of the pregnancy outreach program at Boundary Family and Individual Services Society. “As long as people keep attending we’ll look at doing one every three or four months.”

This is the third family gathering this year and Garnett said that it’s a great opportunity for people who work or have older children who are in school during the centre’s typical activities to participate as a family in an event. So far the response has been encouraging and they are considering planning another one for February 2013.

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