
POLICE BEAT: Stolen vehicle found abandoned close to Omega Restaurant

Erin Perkins
By Erin Perkins
November 19th, 2012

A stolen 1996 Dodge 350 pick-up truck owned by McLeod’s By-Products of Armstrong, BC was found abandoned close to the Omega Restaurant in Grand Forks this past week.

Grand Forks RCMP fingerprinted the vehicle after it was reported found on Monday, November 12 at 10:08 a.m. in the 7400 block of Highway 3.

Police found that the truck ignition had been tampered with. There are no suspects at this time, but some fingerprints were obtained, said Grand Forks RCMP staff sergeant Jim Harrison.

McLeod’s By-Products is a meat and poultry processing company that exports goods to Washington state.

Unlocked vehicles continue to be targeted by petty thieves in Grand Forks

Grand Forks RCMP spent much of Wednesday, November 14 responding to vehicle break and enters throughout Grand Forks.

The first of these was reported at 9:26 a.m. on Riverside Drive.  The vehicle owner discovered that someone had entered their unlocked vehicle overnight, rummaged through the glove box and then left.

Nothing was taken, said Harrison.

The second incident was reported the same day but at 2:16 p.m. This time an unlocked truck parked on 2nd Street in Grand Forks was gone through but nothing was taken.

The third incident was reported at 4:24 p.m. and happened to a vehicle on 4th Street. In that situation, the thief may have taken some change, but nothing else was missing.

Harrison said this kind of petty thievery doesn’t usually lead into something more.

“There’s probably some people just walking around going through people’s vehicles. They aren’t getting away with a lot, they probably just have a lot of time on their hands.”

He reminds people to lock their vehicle doors and not to leave valuables in them.

‘Tis the season for CounterAttack checkstops

The Christmas season isn’t a time to be naughty by drinking and driving down local roads, unless you’d like to be caught by the Grand Forks RCMP in their regular CounterAttack check stops.

Starting December 1, the boys in blue will be out in full force looking for people who’ve had a bit too much to drink.

If you blow a .05 blood alcohol content you could face a license suspension or an immediate driving prohibition for three days. Blow .08 or more and you are considered driving while impaired and could face an immediate roadside prohibition and a 90 day license suspension, said Harrison.

Categories: CrimeGeneral

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