
Boundary residents share in the Defend the Coast action this week

By Contributor
October 22nd, 2012

The Boundary-Similkameen is joining communities across BC in a province-wide Defend Our Coast day of action to show growing opposition to the risks posed by tar sands pipelines and tankers.

Rallies will be held at MLA’s offices across the province on Wednesday, Oct. 24, and participants will link arms to symbolize BC’s unbroken wall of opposition.

The local action at John Slater’s constituency office located at 8312 – 74th Avenue in Osoyoos will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 24 at 12 p.m. Local volunteers are organizing the event with province-wide support and facilitation by online campaign organization Leadnow.ca.

The day of action will follow the Defend Our Coast mass sit-in planned for today at the provincial legislature in Victoria, which has been endorsed by community, union, business and Aboriginal leaders, including David Suzuki, Stephen Lewis and Chief Jackie Thomas of the Yinka Dene Alliance, as well as North American celebrities Michael Moore and Ellen Page.

Support for the community-based events reflects recent polling data by Stratcom that shows a majority of British Columbians oppose the proposed Enbridge and Kinder Morgan pipelines.

“People from all walks of life – First Nations, ranchers, fishermen, business owners, foresters, teachers – are coming together like never before to form a wall of opposition and to call on our provincial leaders to defend our coast from tar sands pipelines and tankers,” said Nadia Nowak, Local Outreach Coordinator for Leadnow.ca. “These pipelines affect all British Columbians.”

Who: A diverse group of Boundary-Similkameen citizens with serious concerns about tar sands, pipelines and tankers.

Where: 8312 – 74th Avenue in Osoyoos.

When: Wednesday, Oct. 24, 12 p.m.

For more information on the Defend our Coast BC-Wide Day of Action, please go to the website: http://defendourcoast.ca/actions/

Categories: GeneralPolitics

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