
Debris waste costs can be reimbursed

Mona Mattei
By Mona Mattei
July 27th, 2012

One of the strongest reasons for living in a small community is the connection people have to each other. That’s why Grand Forks mayor Brian Taylor wants those who lent a helping hand to their neighbours after the storm to get a break.

At Monday night’s council meeting, Taylor suggested that council reward those who were out after the storm cleaning up their own, their neighbours’ yards and city streets by reimbursing the cost of tipping fees at the landfill.

“A lot of citizens have gone through the trouble of cleaning up around them whether that’s their property or not,” said Taylor. “As a gesture of goodwill to the people who’ve gone out and particularly those who cleaned up public areas it would be nice to offer (reimbursement) to those who’ve reached out and done more than their fair share.”

Council passed a motion to pay back landfill tipping fees for Grand Forks residents who took in debris from the storm.

The offer is available until Aug. 15, and residents must provide a receipt for the waste to the clerks at city hall in person for reimbursement. If you do not have a receipt, the landfill staff can reissue a printout by letting them know what time and date the load was brought in to the dump.

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