
Spreading the word on safety for children

By Contributor
June 3rd, 2012

Students Carrie Riddle and Stephanie Koorbatoff on practicum placements with Boundary Family and Individual Services Society partnered with Success by Six, Interior Health Authority and the Baby’s Best Chance Program to spread the word about safety.

The Poison Prevention Week message focussed on safety with medications, giving citizens an extra incentive to put expired or unused over-the-counter or prescription medications; and pills, liquid or injectible medications into a brown bag and turn them into any pharmacist in the Boundary.  This service is in place year round.

Medication tips include: storing medication in a locked cabinet; purchasing product with child-resistant caps; keeping medication in it’s original container; never leaving medication out in the open unattended – even for a minute; not referring to medication as candy; keeping purses and overnight bags that contain medication out of reach of children; and unpacking medication from grocery bags and storing it safely – first.

They also spread the word about a new program from BC Children’s Hospital called “Too Hot for Tots”.

Every year 130 children under the age of five will be treated at Children’s for burns, with 74% of the burn injuries occurring in the home, on the weekend.  The main sources of burns are Hot Liquids, Hot Tap Water and Hot Surfaces. 

Burn prevention strategies include ‘Being Aware’ of burns as the second leading cause of injury to children under 5 years; ‘Being Close’ with constant supervision and within arm’s reach when they are near a burn hazard; and ensuring that your home is ‘Burn Proof’.  For information on burn proofing go to http://www.bcchildrens.ca/KidsTeensFam/ChildSafety/SafeStart/too-hot-for-tots/For+Parents.htm

Parents learned about new research highlighting a surprising risk for toddlers on playground slides.  

Many parents try to make their child “extra safe” by keeping the child on their lap as they go together down the slide.  Actually, the child is safer on their own.  If a foot gets caught while the child is sliding alone, s/he can just stop moving or twist around until it comes free…but when a child is sitting in an adult lap, the force of the adult’s weight ends up breaking the child’s leg.  See the YouTube video by pediatrician Dr. Holt at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EzJL3qp-eI.

Finally, the dangers of energy drinks, which have a caffeine level that is not safe for children were reviewed.  Researchers agree that energy drink consumption by children and teens may negatively influence the natural growth of the brain and may also impede the body’s immune system in addition to more immediate risks for all ages.

Thanks to Grand Forks Credit Union and Success by Six for the donation of draw prizes.

Categories: GeneralHealth

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