
Relay for Life this weekend in the Boundary

Erin Perkins
By Erin Perkins
June 1st, 2012

Local relay racers are stretching their legs and their efforts to raise as much money as possible before the annual Canadian Cancer Society’s Boundary Country 2012 Relay for Life event set for Saturday, June 2.

From 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. the 17 teams and 128 participants will be cutting laps around the James Donaldson Park in Grand Forks to bring both cancer awareness and raise more money to help aid in research efforts and patient support.

To date the teams have raised $15,889 and the amount just keeps going up.

Last year the Boundary raised $25,444.

“(This year) we have more teams, more people and we’ve changed the location,” said Boundary Country Relay for Life co-chair Jacquie Wolff. “We’re hoping it takes off again and raises lots of money for the cause.”

Wolff, who co-chairs the event alongside Delfine Novak, has been involved with the Relay for four years now. Besides raising money she hopes the event raises awareness about cancer. Throughout the event there will be information about cancer and preventative advice.

“It’s for a good cause,” said Wolff of why people who aren’t doing the relay should also come out and enjoy the by-donation events. “People are not totally aware of what the Canadian Cancer Society does. It’s not all about research. They also provide financial support, prosthetics and (counselling) support. It is important for people who go through cancer to have someone who knows how it is.”

Da Yogi Bears relay for a friend

Support and understanding is why Jason Eaton and his wife Jen have signed up for Relay for Life.

Jen, who is a teacher at West Boundary Elementary, has a co-worker who is currently fighting cancer.

She inspired the Eatons and 12 other team members to join her on the relay in a team they call Da Yogi Bears.

Other team members include Amy Allan, Nick Bond, Angela Bragg, Michelle Hermanson, Jennifer McFarlane, Sarah McLeod, Sarah Needley, Kaare Powshuk, Darren Pratt, Angela Williamson, Rob Williamson, Brian Foy and Lori Foy.

The team includes residents of Rock Creek, Bridesville, Big White and Grand Forks.

As of today the group has raised $3,090 — more than $1,000 than they’d hoped to raise.

This is Jason’s first time doing the relay and he is looking forward to continuing the experience for years to come.

“I believe there is a cure for cancer we just haven’t found it yet, that takes time and money, I don’t have the time or the education for that but if we can help by supplying the money, then we are doing our part,” said Jason in an emailed interview with the Boundary Sentinel.

Preparation for the event isn’t too streneous. Fundraising aside, which Jason and the entire team have been actively pursuing, they all have put a lot of thought into their funny hats. The theme for this year’s costumes is ‘my hat is better than your hat’.

To make a donation to a local team, like Da Yogi Bears, go to http://www.relaybc.ca/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=480806

What’s happening at the Relay

The Boundary Country 2012 Relay for Life isn’t just for the teams but for the public.

Over the 12 hour day event, organizers have lots of activities to do, music to hear and great food to eat planned for the supporting public.

All the events will be at James Donaldson Park.

The day will start off with a pancake breakfast at 9 a.m. followed by the start of the relay at 10 a.m. The relay start begins with a group jazzercise warm up and celebration ceremony where Grand Forks mayor Brian Taylor will be making a speech.

The first lap will be for cancer survivors. At noon there will be a High Noon Head Shave. There is a car smash from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. where people can take a swing at a car for fun. There will also be lots of fun activities for the kids, information boothes and live music.

The relay will wrap up at 9:30 p.m. with a moving luminary walk. Family and friends who have lost a loved one to cancer can have a bag with the person’s name on it lit and placed around the relay track at dusk in memory of that person.

Event entry is by donation.

Categories: GeneralHealthIssues

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