
Constituency marathon for NDP hopeful

By Contributor
May 7th, 2012

The BC New Democrat candidate in Boundary-Similkameen is showing her motivation and determination by running for office – literally.

Marji Basso, a two term town councillor for Oliver, will be running a four-day 160 kilometer (KM) marathon across her constituency as a way to raise awareness of the diversity in her constituency, and to meet the voters across the riding.

“Boundary-Similkameen is a vast area, with a wide diversity of people living here,” says Basso. “In an urban area, MLAs can travel across the entire community in under an hour, and we want to show that we share the same connection despite the size of this constituency.”

Basso has been training for what she’s calling the “Get Motivated” tour for the last 5 months. The trek begins on Wednesday, May 23 in Kaleden, and will wrap up on Saturday, May 26 in Grand Forks. The ambitious route requires her to run the equivalent of a marathon distance each day, adding biking legs ranging from 10 – 30 km per day as well.

“I’m running to raise awareness that we are not only vast in territory, but vast in our community needs, challenges, and issues – many of them currently not being heard at the provincial level,” said Basso.

“I want to convey to the constituents of the Boundary-Similkameen that it is time we all get motivated to bring the change in representation that is so badly needed for our rural communities.”

The run will end with a “Get Motivated” wine and cheese reception on Saturday, May 26 in Grand Forks, where Basso will be joined by BCNDP Leader Adrian Dix, Party President Moe Sihota, local MP Alex Atamanenko, and a contingent of BCNDP MLA’s.

“I want people to know that I am fit, capable, and motivated to fulfill the job of being the next MLA for the Boundary-Similkameen,” concludes Basso. “I don’t believe this has ever been done by a candidate before in British Columbia or in Canada, but it is the outside-of the-box type of thinking that will be necessary to get our province back on track.”

For more information on tour stops and when Basso will be running through your area, visit her website at http://marjibasso.bcndp.ca or phone 250-498-2373

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