
GFSS Class of 2011 embarks on their next journey

Mona Mattei
By Mona Mattei
June 29th, 2011

The graduating class of Grand Forks Senior Secondary school was sent off in style at the commencement ceremonies last Saturday.  The class paraded into the Grand Forks Arena to formally receive their certificates and the final farewell from teachers, parents, and valedictorians before heading off to the dry grad party at the high school gym or other more tempting parties around the area.  After the singing of O Canada by Larissa and Lindsay Pauls, greetings were given by the Superintendent Michael Strukoff and Board of Trustees Chair Teresa Rezansoff of School District 51. A long list of scholarships and awards totally over $45,000 in value were handed out to many deserving young students going on to college and university. In addition, students qualified for several large scholarships for university entrance at different schools.  Parent speaker, Sheryl Williams, said an emotional farewell to the students. Recalling her time as a coach for teams, or just chaperoning students, Williams brought more than one student to tears as she sent them off with the classic Dr. Suess’ Oh, the Places You’ll Go.  Marla Konkin joined GFSSTV’s own Wes and Ron (Taylor Konken-deHaan and Hayden Federico) to give the valedictorian address to the 93 grads with humour and serious notes that had students remembering fond times.  A unique farewell message came from Vice-Principal Shawn Lockhart in the form of a music video. His rendition of I Won’t Forget You included many cameo appearances from the grad class.  Congratulations grads!

The pictures below are just a taste of the celebrations. Click on them to enlarge and view! 

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