
What do you want to ask our candidates?

Mona Mattei
By Mona Mattei
April 13th, 2011

This week the Boundary has a chance to come out and grill the federal candidates for the different parties. In a time when many people are frustrated by the basic fact that we are in the midst of an election, it’s even more important to take the time to choose the candidate you want to represent you in Ottawa and this is your chance to find out what makes them tick.

  The Boundary Sentinel, in collaboration with Community Futures Boundary is pleased to host two all candidates meetings for our region – Midway community center on Saturday, Apr. 16 and Grand Forks Senior Secondary School auditorium on Monday, Apr. 18. Both events will start at 7:00 p.m.  These free forums will give each candidate a chance to address their platform individually. Then there will be questions from the moderator and lastly, a chance for audience members to ask about their burning issues.  Shan Lavell, Liberal Party, Alex Atamanenko, New Democratic Party, Stephen Hill, Conservative Party and Bryan Hunt, Green Party will all take the stage in Midway. In Grand Forks, Hunt will be unable to attend but may send an alternate to answer questions.  Area C Director for the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, Grace McGregor has volunteered her time to moderate both events and they look like they will be hot sessions!  Just what those questions will be is up to all of you. The Sentinel invites any of you with ideas for questions for the candidates to email us at: info@boundarysentinel.com or comment on this article. We will formulate the moderator’s list of questions from your input – so take this chance while you have it!  Face it – we have to elect a government. Like it or not, if you choose apathy over active voting participation you may have to regret your inaction for the next five years! Come on out and make your voice heard or just listen and learn, but come out and on election day – VOTE!  All candidates’ forums:  Midway – Midway community centre: doors 6:30 p.m.; speeches start at 7 p.m.  Grand Forks – GFSS auditorium: doors 6:30 p.m.; speeches start at 7 p.m.

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