
It's a wrap for the Phoenix Racers

By Contributor
March 30th, 2011

The Phoenix Mountain Racers are wrapping up what has turned out to be a great season!  This year, 24 racers participated in the program which teaches basic skiing techniques and skills in as many different snow conditions and terrains as possible.    Building on last year’s success, this season went remarkably well for the club. Coach Andrew McKinlay worked in partnership with Coach Bill Ahrens throughout the season.    “Both Bill and Andrew have extensive experience in racing, and were happy to commit the time and resources, and we were so happy to have them. They were an integral part of the Racers this year. Obviously, we couldn’t have done it without them,” says Ken Makortoff, President.   The Racers hosted a race early on in the season and then travelled to Salmo, Red Mountain and Nelson. The zone finals took place at Summit Lake in early March.   While the Racers improved immensely over the season under the careful guidance of McKinlay and Ahrens, the real success story has been the overwhelming support of the community. “Bron and Sons, Unifab Industries, Roxul Inc, Area D Director Irene Perepolkin and the Grand Forks Legion (Branch #59) all stepped up to the plate in a big way,” says President Ken Makortoff. “It is through their support, that this club was finally able to buy much needed racing pinnies, medals and ribbons for race participants, provide ongoing support for our coaches and purchase hoodies for the kids. A big thank you to all of you – this just speaks volumes about our community”.   The Phoenix Mountain Racers thank Coach McKinlay, Coach Ahrens, the Phoenix Mountain staff and of course, their parents who came out to every practice and race to support this club.  

For more information on the Phoenix Mountain Racers, contact Jennifer Wetmore at 250 444 7777. 

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