
Help out your local posties!

By Contributor
March 16th, 2011

Thawing conditions creating large build ups of ice and treacherous conditions for delivery personnel. While winter may be winding down in March, the advent of late-winter or early spring conditions present additional safety risks for Canada Post delivery personnel.

Canada Post is asking property owners to remove, as much as possible, ice build ups on roofs, driveways and other areas which may affect the safety of our employees. Earlier this month, a London (Ontario) letter carrier was injured when a large chunk of ice fell off a roof and hit her on the side of the face. She is still recovering from her injuries. Last year there were over 500 injuries due to bad weather in the months of February, March and April.


“The health and safety of our delivery workforce is very important to us,” says Doug Jones, Senior Vice President of Operations at Canada Post. “With thawing conditions ice build ups can become dangerous, and for the next few weeks, we ask our customers to be vigilant and to keep conditions safe for our delivery people.”


Canada Post offers some tips to help everyone ensure the safety of delivery personnel:

· Shovel and de-ice paths to mailboxes

· Ensure stairs and entranceways are in good repair

· Keep areas in front of mailboxes clear of snow, ice and other debris

· Where possible remove the ice from your roof, especially if the ice hangs over the walkway, front door or mailbox

· Sand and salt icy patches.


If Canada Post determines the access to a residence or business where mail is delivered to be unsafe, delivery may be temporarily suspended until such time as access is made safe. 

Categories: GeneralHealth

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