
Greenwood cancels by-election

Mona Mattei
By Mona Mattei
January 21st, 2011

Greenwood city council has said no to a by-election for the spring after consideration of community survey results. With 161 overall respondents to the mail survey canvassing Greenwood residents about their preference, 84 people said yes to a by-election and 77 were against.  In a special meeting of council held last Monday, Jan. 17 the survey was presented prior to a council vote on the issue. Mayor Colleen Lang put forward the motion to proceed.  “With the two-day poll, the results were very close,” said Lang. “It comes down to the discussion back in December at the council table to have a by-election Mar. 5 and the public was made aware of that. Because the public was told, they were expecting a by-election, and they were prepared for one. I think that was an unfair process.”  Community members who had decided to throw their hats in the ring for the seat were upset with the delays, explained Lang. Lang also said that there had been a lack of procedure by council at the time of the decision to request a Ministerial Order for an exemption to the by-election. There had been no formal process at council to decide make the request in December that resulted in an exemption for the city. Council had not rescinded the original motion to proceed with the election according to Lang, and the exemption was not discussed.

Council did rescind their motion at the Jan. 10 meeting, but agreed to consult the public before their final decision. The vote was three councillors against and one for proceeding with the by-election. The minutes of this meeting will be finalized at their regular council meeting Monday, Jan. 23. 

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