
Special guests visit Elks to install new president

By Contributor
October 31st, 2010

At the Elks monthly meeting new President Larry Jmaiff, was installed by special guest Dina Wolansky, BC Elks Association Vice President.  Dina’s husband, Mike Wolansky, Exalted Ruler, Elks Lodge #44, Kamloops, also attended as a guest. 

Dina Wolansky presented Cliff Schuh with a Membership Award of a t-shirt, pin and hat, for signing up five new members in the past year. The new officers for the 2010-2011 year are President, Larry Jmaiff; 1st Vice President, Roy Stevenson; 2nd. Vice President Sarge Konkin; Recording Secretary, Shirley Schuh; Treasurer, Cliff Schuh; Membership & Publicity Director, Shawna Schuh. 

Other members with specified duties during ceremonies and meetings, are Milton Wright & Nick Novokshonoff.

Thanks to Past President, Al Kneeland, for his dedication during his term of office.   Thanks to past Secretary Marsha McGregor, for promoting events, and to Thomas Reichelt and Markus Reichelt from RB Mechanical for going above & beyond for helping out with a variety of tasks. 

The pancake breakfast season has ended, thanks to all members, volunteers and public who supported this worthwhile fundraiser and for those that donated to the Elks & Royal Purple Fund for Children. 

New Members welcome! The Elks meets the first Tues. of each month, 7:30 p.m. at the Senior’s Hall at City Park in Grand Forks. If you would like to attend as a guest or want further information contact; Larry Jmaiff:250-442-2856, Roy Stevenson:250-442-5260 or Shawna Schuh:250-442-4276.

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