
New educational program targets invasive weeds

By Contributor
October 7th, 2010

Stopping the spread of invasive plants in the Boundary is the focus of an educational outreach project being carried out in the area this fall.

Invasive plants are aggressive, non-native plants that displace native plants in our gardens, as well as in the ecosystem. Most invasive plants are intentionally introduced, so with more information, educated decisions can be made when introducing new plants into gardens and avoid invaders.

Bill Baird, chair of the Boundary Weed management Committee, says that once invasive species are established, management is costly. “The best solution is to prevent them from entering an area. Education is one way of helping prevent new invasive plants species from getting established here in the Boundary,” said Baird.  

Outreach specialist, Jody Henshaw, with the Stop the Spread program, is now working with local schools and community groups to raise awareness of invasive plants.  

“I’m excited to be part of this program and give something back to my community,” she said.  “Our goal is to educate people about invasive plants – how to identify them and what potential impacts could be – through this information we hope all will become more aware.”

The Stop the Spread program is planned to reach young people throughout the province this fall. Henshaw encourages teachers, youth leaders, and other interested groups in the Boundary to contact her to become involved. “It’s a great opportunity to learn” she says.  Henshaw can be contacted at (250) 442-2708 ext. 225 or outreach11@invasiveplantcouncilbc.ca

The Invasive Plant Council of BC is working cooperatively with the Boundary Weed Management Committee to deliver the Stop the Spread program. For more information on invasive plants, visit www.invasiveplantcouncilbc.ca.  The 2010, province-wide Outreach Program is funded by Western Economic Diversification Canada, Community Adjustment Fund.

The Invasive Plant Council of BC is a grassroots, non-profit society working collaboratively to build cooperation and coordination of invasive plant management in BC.  Workshops, activities, and events educate the public and professionals about invasive plants and their potential risks.  Events like this Outreach Program will continue to assist the IPCBC “Stop the Spread” through outreach and education; thus minimizing the establishment of invasive plants. Funding support for the Outreach Program is provided by Western Diversification Canada, Community Adjustment Fund.
Initiated and mentored under the vision of the Fraser Basin Council, the Invasive Plant Council of BC is recognized across the country for its leadership in building collaboration to the challenging and exploding problem of invasive plants.

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