
2010 lake clean-up another successful day

Mona Mattei
By Mona Mattei
June 3rd, 2010

Christina Lake has had its 10th annual sprucing up last weekend as over 40 volunteers participated in the Lake Clean-up – an annual event sponsored by the Christina Lake Stewardship Society. Volunteer Co-ordinator Rikki Morrison said that several truckloads of garbage were collected during the event, and even some large ticket items that were found including a large television, heavy metal framed trailer and a pile of used vehicle tires.

Since the local transfer station no longer accepts tires the only place to recycle tires is at OK Tire in Grand Forks it seems that people don’t want to make the effort to drive and drop off their refuse. For some people it seems that disposing of their waste in the bush makes more sense than taking the load to the transfer station or the dump in Grand Forks and that appears to be a growing problem said Morrison.

One of the biggest issues that the Society deals with, said Morrison, are these “private” dumpsites on crown land. Whenever they are informed about a problem the Society responds and cleans it up even though the responsibility lies with the people dumping their garbage.

All in all the clean-up on Saturday, May 29 was a successful day refreshing the pride that most locals show in their community. Many prizes were given out at the clean-up recognizing the efforts of the many volunteers.

The Christina Lake Stewardship Society would like to extend their thanks to
the community’s Volunteers who made it out for the day.

Thank you to the following businesses, individuals and agencies that helped
to make the day go smoothly and provided their services and such great

  • Christina Lake Garbage and Recycling. Ten years and counting, we can always count on you!!
  • RDKB waived all waste management fees, donated reusable shopping bags filled with loot!
  • Mariposa Nursery. $10.00 Gift Certificate, thanks Tom and Kim!
  • Copper Moon provided four little Frog Magnets. Too cute, Terry!
  • Wildways donated stickers for the kids.
  • Jimmy Beans donated three $10.00 gift Certificates. Some lucky
    Lakers are having lunch or coffee with Jim and Tracy!
  • Boundary Weed Management Committee had weed warrior goody bags and playing cards, and loaned us their visi vests. Thanks Barb!
  • From the Hearth Bakery provided a $20.00 gift certificate. Mmmm, and thank you very much Mike and Mickey.
  • Select Office. Lorraine donated two fancy pencil and note pad sets.
  • Kaleidoscope. A $20.00 gift certificate to spend in Nettie’s lovely
  • Playing Cards donated by Rick and Mary Slasor.
  • Smoochies provided a $25.00 Gift Certificate. Thank you, Tom and Linda Turner.
  • Joga’s donated 1lb. Of Kootenay Coffee, and a big bottle of French Vanilla Coffee syrup. A great start to the day compliments of Roger and Donna!
  • Regional District of the Kootenay Boundary Area C Director Grace McGregor always a great and willing helper donated various items as well.
  • Huckleberry Mountain Market provided water for our hard working
  • Rona provided ice and water for Volunteers as well.

“As always, our crews came across some interesting waste, and overall, our haul was huge!” said Brenda LaCroix, co-ordinator for the society. “We ran into some logistical issues, since the local transfer station is no longer accepting all waste. Luckily, the wonderful Stephanie Gillis with the Ministry of Transportation was able to come out and save the day! Emcon picked up the items we couldn’t dispose of at the transfer station on Tuesday morning! Thanks very much, Emcon Crew – Those were awkward and heavy loads to deal with.”


Christina Lake Stewardship Society

Categories: General