
Spring Thing 2010 - celebrating agriculture in the Boundary

By Contributor
April 13th, 2010

And celebrate they did! The Grand Forks and Boundary Regional Agricultural Society was very pleased with the attendance at their event, which was aimed at profiling the many projects the society has initiated in the Boundary Region.

Alex Atamanenko shared the recommendations resulting from his National Food Security Tour and Brian Taylor showed his support for the society by doing a call for directors and encouraging leadership in making our agricultural sector strong once again.

Project representatives spoke briefly about the mobile abattoir, tool registry, poultry project, future and senior boundary growers, membership, seed bank, animal feed project, community gardens, and Kettle Valley Food Cooperative.

Activities followed and included pizza served up by Twisted Tomato, plants and grasses were for sale by local greenhouses, chicken splat bingo, and a whole bunch of door prize draws. Thanks to the many folks that came out and supported this event – and continue to support the Grand Forks and Boundary Regional Agricultural Society.

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