
Random acts of kindness week

By Contributor
February 18th, 2010

How do you make the world better? One random act of kindness at a time! Yes, this week is Random Act of Kindness (RAK) Week.

A RAK is a spontaneous and selfless act performed to assist someone, cheer someone up, or make a someone smile. No one has ever been hurt by practicing or receiving a RAK.

You can celebrate RAK by performing any of the following: put someone else first; say thank you; give a compliment; offer your hands to help; clean up litter; send an unexpected message; forgive someone; give someone a smile; give a kind word; share what you have; express sincere gratitude; tell others what you love about them, even if you think they already know; and be kind. 

Behaviors are contagious. Have you ever noticed how your whole day turns sour because of one bad event? Well, the reverse is also true. Happiness spreads more happiness. Good feelings linger on.

Three people are affect positively by a RAK; the person performing, the person receiving, and the person observing. When you practice acts of kindness without any thought or expectation of return, the law of reciprocity will always reward you. Practicing RAK is just small steps to making big changes in a magical way.

Have a wonderful RAK week!

Lorraine H. Dick 

Grand Forks, B.C.

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