
Lift station upgrades on track

Mona Mattei
By Mona Mattei
February 11th, 2010

The lift station upgrades for the City of Grand Forks are on schedule and on budget, according to Mayor Brian Taylor. The lift station upgrading contract was awarded to Magglio Installations from Nelson last fall, and work started before the snow flew. Recent inactivity at the site raised questions for some about town that the project was not going as planned.

“There’s going to be some overages, and some underages, there’s a give and take but nothing is out of control,” said Taylor in response to the questions about the perceived problems and budgets. “They are on track and there are substantial penalties if they are late. We have a well written contract with them.”

Taylor said that the contractors proposal included contingency plans for hitting water as they excavated in the park. The project is due to be completed by April, in advance of the potential flood season. Then the city crews can get to work reseeding the grass and finishing the park.

“It’s going to take till the fall of this year before it will be grassed and sod developed,” said Taylor.


Categories: General