
The Importance of the Democratic Process

January 20th, 2010

I am ashamed to live in a community where the actions of a few individuals dictate the reactions of our Council.
Please don’t let the mudslinging within one of our local newspapers of recent, blind you to the importance of the democratic process. In the past couple of months the issue of medical marijuana has gone completely off track. The original concept was to create a motion within City Council to send a resolution requesting the Provincial government take over licensing of only medical marijuana.
Through petitions and reams of letters to the editor, the purpose of the resolution has gone by the wayside in favour of personal attacks. These attacks have created fear not only for those who take medical marijuana but amongst our policy makers.
I am writing on behalf of those persons in Grand Forks, who out of fear of legal reprisal or social stigma, cannot raise their hands to be counted in favour of Councilor Davies’ February 8, 2010 presentation of a motion to send a resolution to the Association Kootenay Boundary Local Government and to the Union of BC Municipalities to petition the BC government to assume licensing and regulation of medical marijuana within the province.
The resolution process is an integral part of democracy. Unfortunately, due to the sensitivity surrounding this “motion for a resolution” many are reluctant to speak up and so it rests on the shoulders of a few of us to speak on their behalf.
We need to make it clear to City Council that many Grand Forks residents are in favour of council passing this resolution. To emphasize our support for those “who out of fear of legal reprisal or social stigma cannot make their names known,” please attend the council meeting on February 8, 2010 indicting your support. On behalf of the “silent ones”, I thank you very much.

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