
RCMP respond to complaints in the West Boundary

Nik Green
By Nik Green
December 8th, 2009

At a recent city council meeting in Midway, Corporal Lanz of the Boundary RCMP detachment addressed complaints of poor response times in regional incidents. Cpl. Lanz is the acting officer in charge while Staff Sergeant Jim Harrison is seconded to the 2010 Olympics.

Lanz answered council’s questions and pointed out that any concerns over an incident regarding a stolen golf cart in Midway are not signs of an underlying staffing shortfall or scheduling error.

Lanz was referring to a recent incident where a call was put in to Midway RCMP about a stolen golf cart that was already recovered before RCMP arrived. “It (the situation) had already been defused and we had a member coming from a more urgent matter,” said Lanz.

Lanz said the cart had been returned and the youth who took it had been accounted for but not charged due to his age. He stated that leaving the Grand Forks office would not have put the member on the scene any time before the Midway member who was just starting their regularly scheduled shift.

Midway RCMP members requiring backup in necessary situations are aided by Grand Forks members who are called in. In communities the size of Midway there isn’t 24/7 coverage but if there is a serious call, an off duty member is called in immediately, Lanz explained.

Midway Councilor Marguerite Rotvold said the concerns are part of an ongoing dialogue with the RCMP.

“We have asked for a meeting with Inspector Romanchuk, which will happen in January,” said Rotvold. The village officials plan to meet with the Inspector to clarify protocols and coverage area in response to the concerns raised at the UBCM.

A side issue brought up at council was that involving a chip truck that had caught fire and it was questioned why the RCMP do not do flagging. Lanz said simply that RCMP members do not do flagging, that either Emcon or the towing company supply flaggers

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